Phyllis Vernon Painting

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Trotting in Texture

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Stone Bridge 1

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Len took several photos of this stunning member of the toucan family when we were in Belize in January. Watch for more paintings of him ~ at the moment they’re still in my head.

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This stunningly beautiful cliff has a walking trail along the top, and a provincial park nearby where you can camp and enjoy this special area.  It’s quite large (3′ x 2′) and was a commission.

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If you’ve travelled in the tropics you have certainly seen one or another version of these beautiful plants.  They are pollinated by hummingbirds, often specifically one hummingbird breed for specific kinds of heliconia.

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This little fellow didn’t want to cooperate to be painted, but I finally persuaded him to stand still and stay the same colour.

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The line of white rollers is the reef off the coast of Belize ~ and along it, underwater, are beautiful (and endangered) reefs.

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